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Kamis, 27 Mei 2010

PTC waterbux.com Get $ 0,02 paid

We're pleased to welcome you to the Water Bux. Here at Water Bux, you simply earn money by clicking on ads an see them for a short period of time!
You don't have to pay anything to register. You just have to click on the register button, put some informations as your username an password and then start clicking! It's very easy!!!
At Water Bux, you not only earn by your clicks, but you also earn for you referrals clicks. If you tell us to one of your friends and he signs up with your link, you'll earn from his clicks too. So, it's good for you to tell everyone you know about us!
What do you earn and how do you earn:

Hello {all}

So how many times have you seen someone offer you a
free trial of something or other, but to get started
you need to provide a credit card number, or use your
Paypal account to sign up.

  A lot of services or products even ask that you pay
ONLY $1 to start any sort of trial and act as if you
are getting an incredible value. 

  But what they are really doing is getting your credit
card number or PayPal account locked into their auto
re-billing feature and hiding behind their real motive
simply by telling you that it is for your convenience.

  It is a well known fact that many people who offer
products or services are making more money due simply
to people forgetting to cancel these auto re-bills.

  Now I'm not in any way speaking for all marketers.
Many do in fact provide great value and are trying to
make things easier, but it is also an overly abused
marketing tactic to make the product or service owner
a lot of extra recurring income.

  You see a lot of unethical marketers know that most
of the time you will forget about the trial and a few
months later you will finally notice that you have been
charged XX dollars every month.  Guess who makes a pile
of money that way.  That's not cool man.

  So it is something to watch out for when signing up
to any fr.ee trials of anything.

  On a total flip side, here's an example of a guy who
has an insanely good fr.ee trial offer, but you don't
have to give your credit card or Paypal account up
front.  It's just a free trial, because he believe it
works and is not hiding behind anything!

Rabu, 26 Mei 2010

Solusi Tepat Setiap Saat

WebInvestasi Dot Com adalah program bisnis investasi online terpercaya sebagai sarana investasi kita bersama dengan mengandalkan teknologi informasi dan internet untuk merubah anda dan saya menjadi seseorang yang memiliki kebebasan finansial selamanya. Hanya dengan syarat bisa mengetik dan mengakses internet lewat HP, komputer/warnet dan mendaftar pada WebInvestasi.Com anda akan memiliki penghasilan secara terus-menerus dan Unlimited / tak terhingga bahkan ketika Anda sedang berlibur atau tidur sekalipun. Rekening bank anda juga akan bertambah/kebanjiran rupiah terus-menerus tanpa terkendali hanya dengan menjalankan sistem kerja web investasi dot com, dan juga merupakan jasa pemasangan iklan teks/banner sekaligus sebuah program investasi online dengan biaya pendaftaran / investasi hanya sekali seumur hidup, sebesar Rp. 50.000,- (Lima puluh ribu rupiah) yang sangat terjangkau bagi semua kalangan masyarakat untuk berbagai keuntungan hingga passif income mencapai Rp.111.100.000 dalam 4 bulan investasi


Aclassbux Instant Bux 1minimum
Instant Payments For All Members, Minimum Just $1. 40 Direct Refs For Standard, Earn Fast!


Here at CosmicBux you get paid just by completing simple tasks. We have advertisers that will pay you real cash money to simply view their websites!

Earn up to $0.02 per click and up to 0.02 per referral! You can request your payment when you have $2.00. Fast payments through PayPal or AlertPay.

PTC clicksx. com

Clicksx is designed from scratch. Our innovative features for members give them flexibility and more earning potential. We are always ready to take anyadvice into consideration.
Whats Included: 

Selasa, 25 Mei 2010

Earn *BIG* Commission



EVERY Month! From ALL Sites Below.....

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Cara Mendaftar di indoclix.com

Welcome To Indoklix.com

Here at indoclix you can earn an extra stream of income by completing simple tasks; We have advertisers that will pay you real cash money to simply view their websites, and other advertisers will pay you even more to join their various programs!
1. Klik links disini

2. Isi Form dengan lengkap

3 .Login dengan user name dan password anda

4. Klik erning area akan muncul empat  pilihan:
    a. Paid To Click
    b. Read Ads
    c. Paid To Sign  Up
    d. Clik Exchange

5. Klik Links avilable maka setiap klik anda dibayar $ 0,001; Paid To Sign Up anda dibayar $ 0,1 dst
6. Klik nomor yang sesuai pada tampilan iklan yang berada di bagian kiri atas
Selamat mencoba semoga sukses

Selasa, 18 Mei 2010

Buruan Daftar Bagi-Bagi APLE Ipad Gratis

Ipad adalah gadget keluaran Apple tercanggih saat ini, dengan bandrol harga sekitar 5 juta rupiah, anda bisa memperoleh Apple Ipad ini dengan fitur – fitur tablet PC atau mobile komputer di tangan anda. Hmmm..menarik bukan..?? untuk liat lebih jelasnya fitur Ipad tersebut bisa langsung dilihat di situs resmi Apple
1. Kunjungi halaman ini
2. Daftarkan diri anda dengan mengisi data yang benar dan lengkap di form yang kosong.
3. Anda akan memperoleh password anda melalui email atau sms di HP anda

4. Silahkan login menggunakan username dan password tersebut

5. Klik menu “Ipad Promo” yang ada di menu sidebar sebelah kiri halaman